Street adventure without fear

Challenge the strongest mask on earth


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MBTI 16人格客製口罩

16型人格專屬圖騰搭配All-fit G3口罩,精裝禮盒組,限量優惠,送禮首選!

our pride

Xpure washable filtration technology

Net convection patented washable filtration technology

Can be washed 200 times without consumables

Effectively filter out PM2.5

Both oily and non-oily particles can be filtered

Quickly remove sweat from the mask

Knight headgear series

Together we will

Do your best for environmental sustainability

Using one net convection mask is equivalent to preventing 200 disposable masks from being discarded. Net Convection is committed to developing reusable filter materials, hoping to reduce the use of disposable consumables and reduce the burden of garbage disposal.

Cooperation brand